Prayer for the Day – July 12, 2020

Forever and Forever, Amen…

33 And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.”

Luke 1:33 New Living Translation (NLT)

Commentary: So much of this world including our lives, stories, seasons, appointments, infancy, and even senior years all have a beginning and an ending. His Kingdom having no end, Christ living forever, and the offering of everlasting life for those who choose to believe in Jesus as Savior stand in stark contrast. God created timelines, beginnings, middles and endings. For many it is hard to imagine forever, and ever.

Prayer: Lord, forever is a long time. But I am sure that I will have plenty to do. While I wait this day and as many more, I will contemplate the forever and with anticipation await your return. Amen.

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