Prayer for the Day – October 17

The scripture for today’s prayer:

32 Then John testified, “I saw the Holy Spirit descending like a dove from heaven and resting upon him. 33 I didn’t know he was the one, but when God sent me to baptize with water, he told me, ‘The one on whom you see the Spirit descend and rest is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 I saw this happen to Jesus, so I testify that he is the Chosen One of God.[l]

John 1:32-34 New Living Translation (NLT)

Prayer: Lord, I too will be ready this day to share my testimony that Jesus is the Chosen One of God. And I am amazed to think about how Jesus, my Lord and Savior, has changed and continues to change the world. And I am forever grateful for this. Amen.

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